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What is it about

Is it time for a change?

I will accompany you in the rediscovery of the primordial instincts related to food and nutrition, I will explain in detail how our digestive system works and how to act to make it work at its best. 

I will explain in detail what the path towards a more natural and physiological lifestyle consists of, what are the salient points to put into practice to immediately benefit from greater energy and mental clarity, reach your ideal weight and obtain a state of well-being never tried before!

I will also give you technical explanations on how to combine foods and how to cook them to digest them better, and what other activities can help you improve your physical and mental state. 

I will also provide you with a small practical guide to consult along the way to stay focused and clarify some key points. 

The consultancy will begin with you completing a questionnaire, so that I can get to know your starting situation in the best possible way and personalize the path in the best possible way.

If you have serious pathologies, if you are under medical supervision and/or under pharmacological treatment, you will need to consult your doctor before starting, inform him of the path you want to take and have yourself constantly monitored, in fact it may be necessary to reduce, or even eliminate, the drugs you are taking on, thanks to the new lifestyle.

I am eventually available for a meeting (or phone call) with him.  

Ideally this path would be suitable for anyone, indeed everyone should return to eating naturally, physiologically and instinctively, but.... there is a but. 

Not everyone is ready to change their eating habits, sometimes radically, even if this could be the best thing that has ever happened to them. 

So this path is right for you if:

you are willing to get involved at 360°, to question knowledge and beliefs relating to food that have accompanied you throughout your life.

If you leave your mind open, ready to receive new notions and lots of knowledge 

If your personal well-being is of paramount importance to you. 

If you are ready to discover and practice a new way of eating and living.

In fact, Natural Hygiene is not a diet, but a lifestyle that affects many aspects, physical, emotional and spiritual. 


parlando su telefoni

Fissa una call conoscitiva

Questo è il primo passaggio indispensabile prima di fissare una consulenza. Breve video chiamata gratuita di 20 minuti, durante la quale ci conosceremo meglio, mi spiegherai i tuoi obiettivi e vedremo se e come procedere. 


Consulenza privata - €97

Incontro durante il quale analizzeremo la tua situazione di partenza, ti spiegherò nel dettaglio come modificare le tue abitudini di vita per approcciarti al mondo vegan o frugivoro e ti darò gli strumenti per gestirti in modo autonomo.

Il trattamento Reiki

Trattamento Reiki a distanza

Riceverai un trattamento di riequilibrio energetico rimanendo comodamente a casa tua. 

Scopri di più riguardo i poteri di un trattamento Reiki


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